Millions of Soviet nationals were proud members of All-Union Society “Znanie”.

More than 200 million residents of the vast country in cities and villages, in workshops and construction sites could attain to Knowledge. We say that without any irony or joke. The mysteries of the universe, religion, politics, health – just to name a few. «Knowledge to the masses!» — is not a slogan, but an actual practice. And it should be treated with reverence, as if it were our own history.

Now «Znanie» is a special brand. International Association Znanie enjoys active general status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), and the Department of Public Information of the UN Secretariat (DPI).

Academician Efim Malitikov

President of the International Association Znanie.

Chairman of  Interstate Committee Knowledge Promotion and Adult Education

Full member of International Academy of Astronautics and Russian Academy of Cosmonautics named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky.


«A great river flows between science and life. It is called Knowledge.”
Knowledge is food for people, it nourishes mind and body. Mind points the way and makes the Future a reality.
The mind with knowledge is aware of the future, its power does not diminish, it does not degenerate, giving life to intellectual nourishment.
Giant financial resources are spent on the elderly through pensions, health care, and nursing homes.
Being sidelined when retired, older adults who are still physically fit do not feel useful and do not see a decent future. Stepping down, they  are no more entitled to their «place under the sun».
Giving education, intellectual food to the elderly, you prolong their life and, at the same time, preserve the economic and moral resources of old age. Intellectual food — knowledge and education — gives older people more energy, and the cost is far less than governments and individuals spend on health care.
A long active life without the traditional and unconventional retirement of the individual makes the country stronger, provides useful work for the elderly, and an invaluable transfer of experience for colleagues, children, and grandchildren. They now have wise teachers passing on their library of knowledge to the young. The combination of the experience of the elderly and the energy of the young is invaluable.




To endorse the request of a group of scientists and public figures to all the workers of Soviet science and culture to open All-Union Society for the dissemination of political and scientific knowledge, and  to publish it  in the central press — was stated in the decree, signed by the Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers Joseph Stalin on April 29, 1947: «To approve the organizational committee of the All-Union Society recommended by the initiative group of scientists …».

On May 1, 1947 the request appeared in the Soviet press, and the whole country learned about it. And on May 12, at its first meeting the organizing committee decided to create branches of the Society in the Soviet republics, the largest regional centers of Russia. Among initiators were such celebrities as the writer Konstantin Simonov and the ballerina Galina Ulanova, the physicist Nikolai Bruyevich and the geologist Kanysh Satpayev, the mathematician Nikolai Muskhelishvili and the economist Evgeny Varga, the historians Evgeny Tarle and Isaac Mints…


All of them were legitimately united by the true leader of the intellectual elite, President of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Sergei Vavilov.



In their  history, man and humanity as a whole have been and still are helpless in the face of the challenges and dangers of the Nature of the Earth and the Universe. In turn, the planet, having accumulated a critical mass of unreasonable activities of Man, powerfully and adequately pays us with man-made and natural cataclysms, exchanging its vulnerability for human casualties and losses.

Globalization and technological progress have set before mankind the problem of preserving the environment, its protection from natural and man-made cataclysms.

Taking into account the great applied value of the aerospace potential accumulated by mankind for the prevention of natural and man-made threats, the International Association «Znanie» together with the International Academy of Astronautics and the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky. The initiative to create the International Global Monitoring Aerospace System (IGMASS) was launched by the International Academy of Astronautics and the Russian Academy of Astronautics and Astronautics of K. E. Tsiolkovsky.